February 17, 2022

These types of air purification ...

In recent years, indoor air pollution has become a growing concern for us, compared to outdoor environmental pollution, how to purify indoor air has become a concern for everyone.

Like the removal of lg puricare air purifier eight immortals to show their skills, room air purification treatment is also a number of planning programs.

Generally speaking, there are six common methods of air purification in the room.

A. Air freshener

According to the release of aroma to cover the odor, spray out and the original dirty air mixed, not only can not cure indoor air pollution, but also may lead to secondary pollution, so that the air in the room worse.

This and in order to better remove formaldehyde, put perfume in the house is an axiom - cheat yourself.

Second, the exhaust fan

Exhaust fan is also one of the most common and the most crude type of ventilation machine equipment.

Use when open, no need to close, not continuous natural ventilation; application period noise noise is also widely on the large, and if the outdoor air is worse, then a big loss.

Third, central air conditioning

Central air conditioning is the greater function of temperature adjustment, and can not purify the air, in turn, people stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, but also very easy to get "air conditioning disease".

Four, open the window ventilation

Open window ventilation is the most traditional type of simple ventilation, for the purification of formaldehyde in the room, natural ventilation is a better method.

But open the window ventilation is very restricted, such as severe winter and hot summer, the room is generally a central air conditioning can not open the window ventilation.

In addition, if the outdoor air is turbid, it will continue to bring a lot of outdoor dust into the room, endangering the daily cleaning of the room, in addition to the noise that makes people upset.

V. Air fume purifier

It is the most widely recognized air purification product in the current sales market.

The basic working principle of the air fume purifier is the internal circulation of the car, according to the fan to suck the nearby air into the equipment inside, through the consideration of the purification of fine particles in the air and other environmental pollution chemicals, and then the consideration of the neat air out, to complete the purification process.

The air fume purifier has a very good practical effect for the purification of PM2.5 in the room. However, it can do almost nothing for CO2. Along with the inhalation of people in the room, o2 depletion and CO2 increase in the room, and the room will be bored for a long time.

No fresh air purification treatment, only to say that the actual effect of the general clean.

Six, the new air system

Home new air machine is a set of exhaust system software and ventilation system constitutes a separate air solution system software, set a variety of air exchange machine and equipment advantages in one, is the best efficacy of the current stage of air purification equipment.

The new air system is imported from foreign countries, but compared to overseas mainly the role of air exchange, China's air quality is widely far worse than overseas, therefore, China's new air system has taken on a large number of roles.

Currently on the market there are very many well-known brands of new air system, such as Dr. Hoo graduate new air system, in addition to the high efficiency of the HEPA medical filter, can consider 99.9% of PM2.5, also has another disinfection role, reasonable to eliminate the new crown virus and dozens of viruses and bacteria in the room, indoor formaldehyde dissolution rate also reached 99.9%, it can be said that a machine commonly used, a multi-purpose.

The new air system in the residential ventilation at the same time, but also can deal with indoor air pollution, without opening the window ventilation can ensure that the house 24 hours of air fresh.

In general, the new air system is the most effective air purification treatment method nowadays.

Posted by: racheles at 08:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 14, 2021

Will people pay more attention t...

The occurrence of Newcastle pneumonia is an excellent cultural education of life for everyone, because during the epidemic prevention and control period, according to the mainstream media, everyone learns a lot of disease prevention and control expertise, relying on the study and training of various touching stories during the epidemic prevention and control period, everyone gradually has the latest understanding of life, so there is no doubt that everyone will pay more attention to their physical and mental health.

1、Leave everything behind but physical and mental health

The sudden arrival of the new crown epidemic has awakened many people to the fact that the wealth they seek is not worth mentioning in front of their physical health, and that wealth does not necessarily save lives in times of emergency.

CBC count

2. The epidemic has also changed many people's outlook on life

Although many people do not admit that they are concerned about health issues, most of them still have psychological fears in dealing with the epidemic, especially for some elderly people, who feel more precious about life after the epidemic. This is a good thing for the elderly, who will correct many of their bad habits due to the epidemic, which will be better for their future lives. As a result of the epidemic, they will pay more attention to health care and maintenance, so the epidemic will also create active harm to the times.

Although the new coronavirus has created a great danger to the development of social life, its occurrence also makes us pay more attention to our own physical and mental health, which has the main practical significance for everyone to be able to live better, so we should look at the epidemic with scientific research and objectivity, which is the only way to improve our nutritional health concept.

Posted by: racheles at 02:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 309 words, total size 2 kb.

September 03, 2021

The "earwax" is wet and oily. Wh...

The shape of ears is related to race. Yellow people have dry earwax, while Europeans, Americans and Africans have wet earwax. In addition, earwax is related to genetics. If the parents have wet earwax, the chance of the child having wet earwax is very high. Regardless of whether the earwax is dry or wet, as long as it's always the same from a young age, don't worry too much. If it was dry earwax before, but wet earwax often appeared for a period of time and was very greasy, it means that the body is damp. Especially with oily hair and face, thick stools and increased bowel movements, skin prone to eczema and weakness of the limbs, it must be heavy moisture.

How to judge whether there is moisture in the body?

1. When you wake up in the morning.

I wake up in the morning with no energy at all, dizzy, tired, and unmoved. In particular, I feel sore and heavy in my calf, which indicates heavy moisture.

2. When going to the toilet.

I found that my stool is not formed when I poop, and I have loose stools for a long time, indicating heavy moisture. After each bowel movement, a part of the stool sticks to the toilet and is difficult to flush down. It is also a manifestation of heavy moisture. It is more troublesome to observe. You can look at the wiped toilet paper. Under normal circumstances, a piece of toilet paper can be wiped clean after defecation. People with heavier humidity usually need 3 to 5 sheets of paper to scrub.

3. When washing your face.

The tongue is a barometer of good health. You can observe your tongue through a mirror before brushing your teeth. Usually, the tongue is pale red with thin tongue coating, thin white and dry tongue coating. If the tongue coating is white, thick, smooth and moist, it means that there is cold in the body. If the tongue coating is rough or yellow and greasy, it means there is damp heat in the body.

How to get rid of moisture from the body?

1. Prevent external moisture from invading the body.

It is not advisable to stay in a humid environment for a long time, especially for people who are sensitive to humidity. They cannot directly sleep on the floor in summer. Try not to go out on rainy and rainy days. Do not wear damp or wet clothes or dry your hair directly. , 懷孕準備.

2. Arrange food reasonably.

Pay attention to a balanced diet. Eat less or no fat, sweet, greasy and alcoholic foods, which are not easy to be digested and easily cause gastrointestinal swelling and inflammation. Also eat less fried foods and sweets, which will cause the body to produce peroxidation. Substances, aggravate the inflammatory response. According to Chinese medicine, raw and cold foods and cold melons and fruits will cause the digestion and absorption function of the stomach and intestines to stagnate, so it is better to eat less. In terms of diet, you can also eat more barley green tea, chixiaodou and other foods that have beneficial effects on the intestines and stomach and reduce edema.

3. Exercise more.

Stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time and sweat less, which will weaken the body's ability to regulate humidity. Therefore, you should exercise more and sweat to help remove moisture from the body. For example, running, swimming, brisk walking, etc. can activate the blood circulation of the whole body and accelerate water metabolism.

Posted by: racheles at 06:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 599 words, total size 4 kb.

August 20, 2021

A few suggestions on how to choo...

So what should you uphold in choosing an electric car and a motorcycle?

Theoretically, branded products are more electric motorcycle manufacturers reliable in principle than non-branded products, so when buying a car, it is best to identify branded products so that the quality of the adjuster is safer.

02 comparison store, of course, even to identify branded products, whether it is a motorcycle or an electric car, there are more than 10 brands to choose from in China. While it is not necessary to research all brands, it is still necessary to "comparison store" and the more you look, the easier it will be to pick out the best deal.

03 Remember that "ten cheap nine times", in fact, most brands of product pricing is a combination of market, cost, competitive pricing for reference, so it is basically impossible to "pick up a leak", and some low prices, apparently the price is lower than the market price, often just some "when", so do not blindly covet cheap when choosing a car.

Conclusion: In fact, there is no national standard answer to the question of who is a better value for money for electric cars and motorcycles, and it all depends on whether the students themselves need its advantages and can ignore its disadvantages.

Posted by: racheles at 08:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 220 words, total size 2 kb.

August 11, 2021

Buying a house, is it better to ...

Real estate has always been a rigid demand of the masses in our country, and it is no exaggeration to say that buying a house is the first big dream of many people who work hard to break through, especially for young people of marriageable age, buying a house is also the larger daily life requirements encountered. Even for those who do not have the ability to buy a house at this stage, there are still plans to buy a house in the next five years. For example, is it better to buy a house with full payment or with a loan? Is it better to pay more down payment or less down payment? If you want to take out a loan, should you choose a longer term or a shorter term? In the end, it is good to choose equal principal, or equal interest repayment? Here, we will analyze one by one.


1, full payment to buy a house is good, or a loan is good?

In fact, if it is for young people, especially for young people who are buying their first home, there is no doubt or loans to buy a house will be more relative. Why do you say that? The reason is that the housing loan can be described as a kind of housing benefit from the financial institution to the general public, and is also a larger amount of equity financing that the general public can touch in their own name.

Some people feel that the loan will have loan interest, so they always want to save money to buy a house. But the fact is, the price of the house is very high, the decision to save money will be longer, and in this long time, the rate of saving money is likely to be far less than the increase in the price of the house. The actual loan method can be used to make a down payment at a small cost, and then pay the housing loan in the middle and later stages according to the overall plan, and finally enjoy the housing benefit early. It can be said that for people who do not have particularly rich assets on hand, a loan to purchase a home is a more specific and stronger method than purchasing a home in full.

2. Is it better to have more or less down payment for purchasing a house?

The key here is to distinguish based on one criterion, namely whether the house has the potential to increase in price. If we distinguish a real estate has a certain development potential will be substantially increased in the middle and later stages, and in fact, they have sufficient assets overall strength. Then this time, you can divide that great asset into what plus a smaller down payment, according to the loan each buy two a suite. Until the house price increases in the middle and later, then the rate of return will be doubled. This will be more cost effective.

On the contrary, if you feel that the house price rise development potential is more limited, then in the case of the amount of money allowed is more suitable to pay more down payment, so that the later stage of the loan work pressure will be smaller, the financial burden is not easy too heavy.

3, a longer loan time is good, or a shorter good?

I think that a longer loan time will have more advantages. At this stage, it seems that most home buyers are picking a longer loan cycle time of 30 years. We know that at this stage of the credit money period, the money will certainly slowly fall in value along with the inter-temporal changes, and the purpose of picking a long loan repayment cycle time, longer loan term is to better enable everyone to borrow money, the value of its use can be more and more "worthless" with the passage of time.

4, the loan is to choose equal principal good, or equal principal and interest repayment good?

In-depth analysis of the two conditions, equal principal is mainly early repayment of more, in the late repayment of less; and equal interest repayment is every month to pay as much, but early compared to equal principal, the amount of loan repayment to less and less. Therefore, for people who usually have more expenses, the loan repayment method of equal principal and interest repayment is more suitable, because the monthly payment is less stressful to work.

Posted by: racheles at 07:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 762 words, total size 4 kb.

June 30, 2021

How to read the parameters on th...

Every patient needs a monitor, which is mainly used to monitor the patient's vital signs. The following is a list of the same monitoring and management items.

1. ECG patient monitor is required for each critically ill patient, mainly depending on the patient's heart rhythm.

Heart rate, used to monitor the number of heartbeats of each patient.

3, blood pressure, monitor the patient's high pressure, low pressure and average arterial pressure.

4, blood oxygen, is to improve the patient's oxygen saturation, to see the patient's oxygen supply. 5.

The frequency and waveform of inhalation Microfluidic Cartridge Manufacture depends on the number and rhythm of inhalation.

Most of the monitor is displayed on these technical indicators, if companies need to monitor through other environments, we must further adjust the settings, or add modules, such as carbon dioxide partial pressure, heart output, etc..

Generally each has its own normal value, or can be normal use range, when the value is no longer within the normal range, the doctor will see, consider the cause of the problem, management interventions.

Posted by: racheles at 09:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 183 words, total size 2 kb.

June 16, 2021

What do I need to prepare if I w...

The skin fold thickness test uses calipers to measure 體脂計算 the thickness of the skin in different parts of the body. The percentage of body fat can be estimated by adding these measurements and calculating them through two equations.

After reading the description, I believe you already know the problem of this method. If the pinch is too little or too much, the measurement results will be biased. Even if you are very skilled, the measurement results will bring great error because of the formula problem.

By now, I believe we all know that the common 體脂磅 methods of measuring body fat are unreliable, so what are the reliable methods? Or how should you judge? Based on a lot of trial and error, I have summarized the following points to help you keep track:

First, you can weigh yourself daily on a 14-day cycle and calculate an average.

Our weight fluctuates from day to day due to water, glycogen levels, and bowel activity, so weighing daily and averaging is the most valuable reference.

The second step is to measure waist circumference within 14 days.

Waist circumference is 體脂計算 more reflective of fat gain or loss. Because for beginners, it is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, to a certain extent will affect the results of other places.

Third, take pictures of the progress in 14 days.

From the same angle, in the same light, from the front, side and back to take pictures of themselves, and then compare them, you will know whether you have made progress. Take the comparison chart I started this article with. To be sure, I've changed a lot and I haven't measured my body fat percentage in any way in the last two months.

Posted by: racheles at 11:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 303 words, total size 3 kb.

June 01, 2021

Five systemic symptoms to be aware of your own c...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a very common respiratory disease, and many patients are asked: What are the symptoms of COPD? How long can a patient with COPD live? The following experts from the Jinan Asthma Hospital will give you a detailed introduction to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The experts of Jinan Asthma Hospital said that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a very serious lung disease, if the treatment is not timely or improper, will gradually develop, after a few years there will be many serious 呼吸胸痛 complications, until life-threatening. However, as long as COPD is detected in time and treated regularly and scientifically, the disease will soon be effectively controlled and the patient's life expectancy will be maintained at a normal one.

What are the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

1. Chronic cough

The first symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is usually a chronic cough, which is heavy in the morning and intermittent at first. Later, we have a cough in the morning and evening and throughout the day, but the cough is not significant 呼吸不順 at night. There is also a part of the study that has developed a significant increase in airflow first, but no cough symptoms, which we hope to bring to the attention of students through you.

2. Coughing up sputum

Usually a small amount of mucus sputum is coughed up after coughing, some patients cough up more sputum in the early morning, and when combined with infection, the sputum volume increases, often accompanied by pus sputum.

3. Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing

This is a hallmark symptom of slow obstructive 呼吸不順 pulmonary disease, and is the main cause of anxiety in patients. In the early stage, it only appears when exerting oneself, and then it gradually worsens so that we can set a rest in our daily life activities and also feel short of breath.

4. Wheezing and chest tightness

Some patients, especially for patients with severe effects, have wheezing; a feeling of tightness in the chest usually occurs after physical work and labor, and is related to breathing effort intercostal muscles and other capacitive contraction activities.

5. Systemic symptoms

Severe patients may experience weight loss, loss of appetite, etc. Systemic symptoms such as peripheral muscle atrophy and dysfunction, depression and anxiety. When combined with infection, hemoptysis or hemoptysis may occur.

Posted by: racheles at 10:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 402 words, total size 4 kb.

November 06, 2020


和諧星球的主機終於我們看到了他們希望。它把選中的十幾個人信息聚集發展起來,迫使學生他們可以離開女皇城,踏上了遠征之路。在兩個階段的全程,第一個階段是讓行人穿越沙漠,經過消防,最南端的島嶼果園薩卡的穀傳球 - 這個地方,因為4000年一直沒有人涉足。第二段旅程就是從這裏開始,穿越一千光年,回到人類的故鄉——地球。人類逃離地球有四千年當中,這是回去的時候了。


腳和諧地球的第一代移民來設置這台主機,目的只有一個:通過限制技術水平,以拯救人類物種。當年在地球的時候,人類的高科技使霸權國家的勢力覆蓋全球,戰火也蔓延到全世界每一個角落,人類賴以生存的生態環境遭受嚴重破壞。為了可以避免重蹈覆轍,和諧星球的主機一直都限制我們人類社會科技的發展:人類打仗只能通過使用手持的輕武器,出遠門只能騎馬,這樣如此一來對於他們學習就不能造成企業大規模的破壞,和諧星球也就沒有安全了。 在這個前提下,人類可以自由選擇是作惡還是行善。

可是,自從程序運行以來,主機對人類的操控逐漸變弱。與計算機主機的通信能力因人而異: 有些人的聯系比你想象的更緊密,而另一些人則處於一種不確定的狀態——仿佛結果就是新的武器和新的交通方式。雖然我們距離作為世界毀滅自己可能同時還有萬年之遙,可是潘多拉的盒子已經發展打開,和諧星球的末日總有一天會到來,主機不知道應該怎樣才能力挽狂瀾。


Posted by: racheles at 06:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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